Weight loss for the weak at heart...

   Over the past 16 years, a number of studies have made connections of weight loss, dementia, brain fog and Alzheimer's disease to the Circadian Rhythm. So this is relatively new information. The general conclusion of the data is the closer you can get to matching your sleep patterns to dusk to dawn cycles, the easier it is to lose weight. Of course, it is not quite as simple as that, so the caveat is that along with extended sleep, there has to be a longer period of digestive activity and emotional adjustment (processing) to the previous day's activities. A third finding is that the amount of blue light we are exposed to inhibits sleep patterns, which effect all of the above.

   This suggests not eating anything past 7:00 PM (for example), sleeping for 8-10 hours per day and eating nothing for the next 12 to 15 hours, plus reducing blue light exposure. (less computer, cell phone and indoor light exposure). The result is weight loss without dieting or additional exercise. The theory is that our body's were not made to stay up all hours of the night with all the electromagnetic radiation we absorb from artificial lighting, and electronic equipment.  In addition, our bodies are not designed to be digesting food 18 hours a day.

Here is what that would look like:

No food of any kind past 7:00 PM  (drink plenty of water)

Go to bed no later that 10 PM (preferably earlier)

Get out of bed 6-8:00 AM (8 + hours of sleep)

Drink at least a cup of water (take it outside)

Stay outside for at least 1/2 hour. (absorb some sun, if you can)

 Eat nothing until 7:00 AM minimum (best if you can wait until 10:00 AM)

The resut is that your body weight will normalize.

Personally, I took this a little further and was shocked to find how easy it was. I skipped breakfast and was careful not to eat even one bite of anything until noon. I just drank filtered water. (using a Zero water filter) I ate a salad for lunch and a normal meal sometime after 4:30 PM and nothing after 6:00. My normal weight was around 180. After 2 weeks, I was at 163. Friends, that is plateau weight...the hardest weight to take off. I did also walk about 20 minutes a day. So actually that was less than my high school weight of 165.

Now, if you are sick, you can do this intermittent fasting nd it will help you immediately, but you have to correct your diet first. There are two really good diets you can use to both lose weight and improve your immune system to the point where it will fight any illness and actually regenerate your body.

One is the paleo diet and the other is the ketogenic diet (similar to the Atkins diet). I recommend the Ketogenic diet, because it boosts your body's supply of healthy stem cells. Stem cell production is critical to a healthy body and longevity. The basic idea behind the keto diet is eat mostly good fats (such as in quality grass fed or free range meats), coconut, olive or avocado oil and restrict carbs. Eat zero processed food and wheat products. Eliminate sugar (use very little honey, Stevia, xylitol, monk fruit or other natural sweeteners) restrict dairy products to near zero. This will force your body to consume stored fat for energy.

So a combination of intermittent fasting and a keto diet will give you fantastic results very quickly, especially if you add a little exercise. Smoking, alcohol consumption, eating at restaurants will blow all your efforts right out the window. 

Frankly, I don't understand what is so tough about weight loss. Whoa, you say. That's easy for you to say. You have never really had a problem with weight. Oh Yeah, I am this person who eats anything he wants and never gains a pound. Must be magic, Huh?

No, there is no such person. OK, there are people who have a metabolism that allows a quicker caloric burn, but that metabolism is not genetic. It is lifestyle created and nearly anyone can gin up a greater metabolic burn with some habit changes.  So enough with the excuses.

The problem is that people do not believe they are what they eat. They do not exercise and they are quick to make excuses for their failure to live a healthy lifestyle like the one above...You know the one that says "everything I eat, no matter how healthy, turns to fat".

Let me tell you something, folks. You will learn someday, when you are chronically ill and in a wheelchair, and someone, like your child or a nurse, has to constantly wipe the drool off your face and you can't tie your shoes or dress yourself or even feed yourself, that your health should have had some priority. When you are having trouble breathing or are in pain constantly or are dependent for everything on someone else, living in a nursing home, it is too late to say "I should have had the gumption to consider some health options like eating healthy, exercising, even an occasional fast would not really have been that hard".  That's right, you can't blame it on someone else. I say it again, folks...You Are What You Eat!

Stop being so naive to believe that food producers and the FDA are looking out for your health and they wouldn't allow anything harmful on the grocer's shelves.

Stop believing that "it doesn't matter what you eat" or "you are going to die from something, you might as well eat what you want." You may say "Oh, they say this is healthy and then in a year or so, it is not good for you. So how can you know or how can you believe anybody?" In this day and age, with the internet available for you to research anything, there is no excuse for not taking the time to be sure what you are consuming is as healthy as you can get. Are you not worth taking the time to nurture yourself?  Sure, quality, organic food costs more, but an investment in yourself will pay dividends for the rest of your life.   Roger Cole 

   Winter of 2018-2019 has, as is usual for me, added a few pounds to my waistline, so, as I always have done, I increase my exercising, drink more water, reduce snacking and try to reduce my caloric intake. However, winter makes for less outdoor activity and more watching TV. Also my age of 75 makes strenuous exercise more challenging and tends to make a sedentary lifestyle (laziness) more acceptable. As I have advised others, I must also apply to self. I did follow the intermittent fasting idea with exercise and the weight came off quickly.


How the Food Industry Sabotages Your Health!

In this terrific segment, the late Peter Jennings explores how the food industry spends billions of dollars to sabotage your health. He also takes a critical look at the US government’s agricultural subsidy programs, and how they affect your nutritional choices and health.

Heavily subsidized food crops include corn, soy, wheat and rice.

By subsidizing these, particularly corn and soy, the US government is actively supporting a diet that consists of these grains in their processed form, namely high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), soybean oil, and grain-fed cattle – all of which are now well-known contributors to obesity and chronic diseases.

In a nutshell, the American agricultural system promotes and produces junk food, which is the precise converse of what we all need in order to be healthy.

Take HFCS, for example. It’s actually quite difficult to find a processed food product that does NOT include HFCS! And oftentimes it’s one of the top three ingredients. With everything we now know about how HFCS and other sugars create obesity and chronic disease, is it any wonder we have a health care crisis on our hands?

The food industry is quick to point out that the choice is always yours -- they’re not making you buy something you don’t want. But seriously, if you have to hunt high and low to find a product that doesn’t include HFCS, how much of a choice do you have, really?

If you’ve ever tried finding a pre-made salad dressing for example, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

The industry is also quick to blame the obesity problem on people’s unwillingness to exercise. Naturally, lack of exercise is part of the problem, but to deny the profound impact of farming subsidies and the sheer power of misleading advertising will only lead us further away from the solution.

OK, Smarty!  Tell me how to easily lose weight. 

Some methods are easier then others. Some of them seem down right silly, but here they are...

1. Because some people eat emotionally,  eating for reasons other than hunger) they should proceed to their search engine and look up Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This is easy and is one of those "seems silly" ideas, but it actually works. You just need to invest some time to learn how to do it effectively.

2. Change a few habits, like eating at the table, not in front of the TV. Also do not read while eating. Chew your food longer and savor each bite. Start that process by putting less food on your plate. Do not eat because it is mealtime. Eat only when hungry. Eat until satisfied, not until full. At about half way through your meal, begin asking yourself..."am I satisfied?"  If you can answer that question with a "yes". Stop eating. dump your plate and go about your business. Simple, huh?...you bet,  but it works.

3. Try to consume 30-40 grams of fiber per day. It is best to accomplish this with whole foods (raw or steamed fruit and vegetables).  Get a list of high fiber stuff from your search engine.  Eat more unprocessed fermented foods, prebiotics and a good probiotic supplement daily.  This will automatically remove accumulated intestinal waste and will be pleasantly surprising how much better you will feel and give you an improvement in energy level over time.   

4.  Exercise is crucial to weight loss. Begin every day with a big glass of filtered water and take a brisk walk, jog or do weight training or preferably find an exercise partner and play some sport that requires you to sweat a little. I personally like the 3b's...badminton, biking or basketball, but if you have access to a pool, swimming is perfect. Vary the exercise often, particularly if it is not intense, like walking.  Walking, running or jogging should be of the burst variety.  Look up "burst training" on your search engine for an explanation. Drink another big glass of water following your workout. Consume 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day, preferably with fresh lemon juice.

Do not eat until after your workout.  A smoothie, rich in nutrients, is an excellent breakfast, but only if you are hungry. Try this one...

one or two organic eggs


a banana

red grapes (can use a pack of stevia, instead...it is hard to find organic grapes)

unsweetened coconut

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp cinnamon

a pinch of cayenne pepper

organic coconut milk  (So Delicious brand at Kroger's is good)

a tsp of dark cocoa

some ice

1-2 tbs organic plain yogurt or kefir

mix thoroughly in a blender and enjoy

Variations...stevia, raw seeds and nuts, sprouts, almond milk (Use all organic ingredients whenever possible)

Counting calories will work for short term weight loss...but not if you want to keep it off and who doesn't want to keep it off?  Dr. Mark Hyman tells you why...

“It is true that, in a vacuum, all calories are the same. A thousand calories of Coke and a thousand calories of broccoli burned in a laboratory will release the same amount of energy.  But all bets are off when you drink the Coke or eat the broccoli. These foods have to be processed by your metabolism (not a closed system). Coke and broccoli trigger very different biochemical responses in the body—different hormones, neurotransmitters and immune messengers. The Coke will spike blood sugar and insulin and disrupt neurotransmitters, leading to increased hunger and fat storage, while the thousand calories of broccoli will balance blood sugar and make you feel full, cut your appetite and increase fat burning.  Same calories—profoundly different effects on your body”.
OK, so you can't do any of this stuff...This is foolproof!
Eat no processed sugars and no wheat or other grains, with a few exceptions (you can eat rice and quinoa) and no oils, except butter, coconut oil, avocado and olive oil.  Weight loss is sure and certain.  Sound impossible?  Here is what makes it easier:  For sweetness, you can eat fruit, honey, stevia and small quantities of organic, low glycemic sugar (coconut sugar, grade B maple syrup). Stevia should replace almost all of your sugar consumption. Eat no bread, except your own home made gluten free bread and no pasta. Read labels on everything. You will find unhealthy oils in most processed foods. Eat no GMO's. Most of that is found in Soy (soybean oil, soy sauce), corn (anything with high fructose corn syrup, corn oil) and wheat. Eat no processed food, preservatives, food dyes, conditioners and so called "natural ingredients". In other words, eat nothing out of a box (Hamburger Helper, cereal, cake mixes, etc.)
While this sounds hard to do, consider what you can eat!
You can eat all organic meats, vegetables and fruit. Salads with organic eggs, organic meat, cranberries, raisins or other fruit are fine, but use vinegar and olive oil dressing with "Real Salt, Celtic or Himalayan salt" and pepper and other seasonings you might prefer. Sweeten your coffee with Stevia and coconut oil (add some cinnamon, if you like).  I add home made almond milk because I am lactose intolerant, but it is also best to avoid all dairy products. Dairy is like gluten. It promotes inflammation...backaches, aches in all your joints and IBS (Inflammable Bowell Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome) and is not very digestible, even if you don't have lactose intolerance.
note:  If you follow this plan, your shopping habits will change drastically. You won't fill your list with items in the center isles, where most of the sweets and junk food are, thus reducing the temptation to buy the disgusting, fatty, unhealthy garbage the stores love for you to buy. 
People like me, who are not overweight, have difficulty losing that small amount of weight needed to make them as trim as they would like to be. Maybe you have reached a plateau and can't drop those last few pounds to reach your goal. This diet is a lifestyle change you learn that will always serve you well in meeting weight goals, without extreme cravings and yo-yo dieting. It allows a slow weight loss and a metabolism that is more efficient at converting food to energy rather than fat. Aside from making you more healthy and losing unwanted fat, there are other advantages and disadvantages to this approach, but all disadvantages can be resolved. One disadvantage is eating out. It takes some real selective care to find anything edible from places like Olive Garden. It is better to eat at Chipotle's.   Another disadvantage is what other people expect you to eat, like when you have snacks at someone's house or at get-togethers, potlucks, etc.  Now some real advantages... Add a moderate amount of exercise and POW!...the weight drops off more rapidly. Add weight training and muscle builds more quickly than with any other diet. Add some extreme exercise and your weight goals are met in weeks instead of months. Do periodic fasting and all of the above will accelerate.  That is... go 12 or more hours without a meal.  ie. eat no food after 9:00 PM and no breakfast; nothing until after 9:00 AM the next day. One doctor said he ate only 2 hours out of each day and he feels amazing, but I am sure he didn't start out fasting that way. All of this I do every day, except the extreme exercise ( I did it for a time to monitor these results). Unfortunately, I still eat too much but now it does not produce weight gain. I need to learn to eat less. It is a scientific fact that people who eat less live longer. I can probably add to my longevity by doing so on this diet, especially.
I do some other stuff, like drink a lot of filtered water and try to maintain bowel movements...one per meal. Drinking one ounce of water per day for 1/2 your body weight in ounces. (150 pounds=75 ounces of water). Eat a natural probiotic each day (kimchi, sauerkraut, combucha, etc.) Add a dried fig as needed for additional fiber.(figs are 7-11 grams each of fiber). I also take organic, raw vitamin and mineral supplements.
More weight loss info.


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